
CoolSculpting Promised to Zap Fat. For Some, It Brought Disfigurement.


More than a dozen years ago, a medical device hit the market with a tantalizing promise: It could freeze away stubborn pockets of fat quickly, painlessly and without surgery.

The device, called CoolSculpting, was entering an already-crowded beauty industry selling flatter stomachs and tauter jaw lines, but it had an advantage: a vaunted scientific pedigree. The research behind its development came from a lab at Harvard Medical School’s primary teaching hospital, a detail noted routinely in news features and talk show segments.

The pitch worked. CoolSculpting machines are now common in dermatology and plastic surgery offices and medical spas, and the technology has generated more than $2 billion in revenue.

Cryolipolysis, the technical term for the procedure, involves placing a device onto a targeted part of the body to freeze fat cells. Patients typically undergo multiple treatments on the same area. In successful cases, the cells die and the body absorbs them.

But for some people, the procedure results in severe disfigurement. The fat can grow, harden and lodge in the body, sometimes even taking on the shape of the device’s applicator. This side effect, called paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, usually requires surgery to correct. “It increased, not decreased, my fat cells and left me permanently deformed,” the supermodel Linda Evangelista wrote in 2021 of her experience with CoolSculpting.

Allergan Aesthetics, a unit of the pharmaceutical giant AbbVie that now owns CoolSculpting, says this is rare, occurring in 0.033 percent of treatments, or about 1 in 3,000.

But a New York Times examination — drawing on internal documents, lawsuits, medical studies and interviews — indicates that the risk to patients may be considerably higher.

The company behind CoolSculpting has retained consultants who have written about low risks of P.A.H. in medical journals and online channels. It has also restricted patients from talking about the problem through confidentiality agreements and, at one point, stopped reporting the side effect to federal regulators after an auditor from the Food and Drug Administration determined that it did not qualify as a life-threatening or serious injury.

More than a dozen doctors interviewed by The Times said the manufacturer’s estimate of the risk was sharply lower than what they had observed in their practices or research — in part because the side effect can take many months to become visible, and patients don’t always connect it to CoolSculpting. Sometimes the effect is subtle, and patients believe they have just gained weight back.

“P.A.H. is likely being underreported and misdiagnosed,” a 2020 study on paradoxical adipose hyperplasia found.

In 2017, Dr. Jared Jagdeo, a dermatologist who was then a consultant for CoolSculpting’s manufacturer, and two co-authors wrote in a journal article that the side effect should be reclassified. Its increasing incidences, they wrote, met the World Health Organization’s criteria for a “common” or “frequent” adverse event, instead of a “rare” one.

Since CoolSculpting’s debut, the reported frequency of P.A.H. has quietly and steadily climbed — even in company estimates — highlighting flaws in the way the F.D.A. clears medical devices for use and monitors them after they are on the market.

The agency relies on hospitals, doctors, consumers and device manufacturers to report any “adverse events,” a system that has often been criticized as effectively turning patients into long-term test subjects. Hospitals and manufacturers are required to report deaths and serious injuries, while private doctors’ offices and consumers are not obligated to report anything.

Allergan declined to respond to detailed questions from The Times. The company emailed two statements that read, in part, “CoolSculpting has been well studied with more than 100 scientific publications.” More than 17 million treatments have been sold, Allergan noted.

The statements called the side effect rare and said it was well documented in the information the company provides for patients and doctors. Allergan also said, “We are compliant with all adverse event reporting requirements.”

Gina D’Addario, 40, who used to sell cable TV and internet services door-to-door in Syracuse, N.Y., tried CoolSculpting on her stomach in 2017. “I just wanted to pamper myself,” she said.

Ms. D’Addario said she noticed a large mass in her abdomen about nine months later. She thought it was weight gain, but dieting and exercise did not help. The bulge grew so large, she said, that her leg would bump into it when she tried to work out. It didn’t occur to her, or the many doctors she saw, that the mass could be connected to CoolSculpting, until Ms. Evangelista went public years later.

Since being diagnosed with P.A.H. in 2022, Ms. D’Addario has had multiple surgeries, including a tummy tuck and liposuction, and may need more. She said Allergan offered her $10,000 to help cover the costs, contingent on her signing a confidentiality agreement. She declined.

Part of its broad appeal is that it is not surgery. Dr. Terrence Keaney, a consultant for Allergan and a dermatologist in Arlington, Va., whose current practice has performed more than 4,000 CoolSculpting treatments since 2021, described it as the “gold standard in nonsurgical fat reduction.”

“CoolSculpting has the best risk-benefit profile,” added Dr. Keaney, who has offered the treatment for more than a decade and said he had observed two patients develop P.A.H.

But as CoolSculpting’s popularity rapidly grew, problems were quietly developing for some patients. In 2011, soon after the initial F.D.A. clearance, Zeltiq learned of a person whose treated fat had solidified into a noticeable mass, according to an internal company document obtained by The Times.

The next year, two physicians on the company’s medical advisory board — Dr. R. Rox Anderson, an inventor of CoolSculpting, and Dr. Mathew Avram, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center — wrote an internal review of 11 patients experiencing the side effect.

The previous year, however, a doctor advising Zeltiq had estimated the risk to be more than double that number — 0.011 percent, or about 1 in every 10,000 treatments — according to a document sent to company executives, a copy of which was obtained by The Times.

More discrepancies in data would follow, in part because the company and its consultants used the number of treatments to calculate the risk of P.A.H., while physicians observing the side effect usually used the number of patients.

For example, if two patients each underwent 10 sessions of CoolSculpting and one developed P.A.H., the company’s method would yield an incidence of 1 in 20 treatments, or 5 percent. Calculating the frequency by patient, however, would produce an incidence of 1 in 2 patients, or 50 percent.

Allergan advises getting at least two treatments, and many providers suggest more, increasing patients’ chances of ultimately developing the side effect.

Evan Mayo-Wilson, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health, said he thought patients would prefer to be told their overall risk, not the risk per treatment. “I think a patient wants to know, ‘What is the probability that if I start this, I’m going to have an adverse reaction?’” he said.

Allergan, which acquired Zeltiq for $2.5 billion in 2017, now tells patients and doctors that the incidence is about 1 in every 3,000 treatments — nearly seven times the initial estimates.

The company calculates this based not on treatments performed, but on treatments sold, which can decrease the incidence it reports: Patients can buy multiple treatments in bundles and don’t necessarily use them all.

CoolSculpting has been a huge moneymaker, bringing in more than $2.2 billion between 2011 and 2019, according to company financial reports and records filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. (Allergan, which was acquired by AbbVie in 2020, declined to share more recent sales data.)

One major beneficiary has been Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard-connected medical institution where the technology behind CoolSculpting was developed. In a 2011 S.E.C. filing, Zeltiq detailed a financial windfall for the hospital, including 7 percent of net sales and millions in lump sum payments tied to hitting various sales milestones.

The Times asked the F.D.A. why its auditor had made that judgment. A spokeswoman responded that “a statement or advice given by an F.D.A. employee orally is an informal communication that represents the best judgment of that employee at that time but does not necessarily represent the formal position of the F.D.A.”

Allergan declined to respond to questions from The Times about the F.D.A. document, and the F.D.A. declined to explain what had happened after it questioned Zeltiq.

In interviews, more than a dozen dermatologists and plastic surgeons, some of whom used to offer CoolSculpting, said they believed patients were at a higher risk for developing the side effect than the company’s numbers suggest.

Dr. Erez Dayan, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Reno, Nev., said he had treated dozens of patients with these disfigurements. “A lot of times, they’ll feel that they caused it,” he said. “Like it’s their fault, like ‘I ate too much’ or ‘I didn’t exercise.’”

Kathryn Black, 32, a data analyst in Colorado, underwent CoolSculpting in December 2021 and then again last year for her double chin. Months later, she noticed a mass in the shape of the applicator forming in the same area. In August, she was diagnosed with P.A.H.

“The hardest part is seeing photos of myself, so I barely take any now,” she said. “When I see one, I think, ‘That’s not me.’”

Surgery to fix the growths can cost tens of thousands of dollars and leave scars.


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