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Fashion and Style

They Came to Slay: L.G.B.T.Q. Trailblazers


L.G.B.T.Q. people unite every June, Pride Month, to celebrate milestones like the Stonewall uprising and the activists who have made significant contributions to the advancement of gay rights.

Often overlooked, however, are the unsung heroes of color who have broken ground and continue to make strides. In a year when at least 29 transgender or gender-nonconforming people have been killed, and as states are moving to restrict the participation of transgender women and girls in sports, Black L.G.B.T.Q. artists, performers, entrepreneurs and designers are using their talents to protect and heal, as they have for years.

“I’m willing to help anyone, I don’t care,” said Brenda Holder, a transgender activist and celebrated ballroom performer. “Because of the struggles and the trials and tribulations that I went through, I won’t let anyone else go through it.”

Ms. Holder is not alone in the effort to help L.G.B.T.Q. people. She and four others featured here have been working for decades to open doors through their art, activism, entrepreneurship and mentorship. Collectively, they have created a legacy of empowerment.

Brenda Holder, whose stage name is Brenda Continental, got her start in New York City’s ballroom scene in the early 1980s, when she was 15. She maintains that she was the first femme queen performer to win femme queen vogue — a feminine style of vogue — and was mentored by Paris Dupree and other ballroom legends.

Ms. Holder, 54, who was born in Guyana, began her transition in 1989, after four years in the Army. She was told it wouldn’t be easy. “At that time, society looked at trans people as the lowest scum of the earth,” she said. “And for me it was like, no. I can’t accept that. I can’t. And I didn’t accept it.”

When she was growing up, and during her transition, there weren’t any dedicated spaces or centers for Black and brown L.G.B.T.Q. people in New York, she said. She persevered through setbacks and traumas, including homelessness, drug addiction and living through the H.I.V.-AIDS crisis, and calls herself a “survivor.”

Now living in Brooklyn, Ms. Holder said she talks to anyone in need, particularly people who want to transition.

“The work I do, I don’t do it for accolades,” she said. “I do it because I love my community. I believe in my community. So why not help my community put the best version of themselves out there, because nobody else is going to do it.”

Jerry Jordan-Brown has worn many hats in a three-decade career: fashion show producer, stylist, entrepreneur and casting director for Fashion Week Brooklyn. Mr. Jordan-Brown, 64, who also worked in N.Y.U.’s finance department for 20 years, says he was inspired to pursue a career in fashion by watching his mother work as a seamstress and hairdresser. From the mid-1980s to the 2000s, he worked in production for New York Fashion Week and also with Essence magazine to help produce shows.

Through it all, he found ways to mentor others. “I think my biggest accomplishment is just helping people and giving everybody a chance when nobody would give them a chance to excel in what they do,” said Mr. Jordan-Brown, who lives in Brooklyn. “Because of the capacity I had, I was able to give people an opportunity to do what they loved to do.”

When he was growing up, Mr. Jordan-Brown said, he felt pressure to act like someone other than himself. It was painful, he said. Now, he said, he does what he can to create access for other Black L.G.B.T.Q. people.

“If I can build the confidence, and strengthen the young ones, then they’ll be all right,” he said. “They’ll know how to stand up for themselves.”

“I created this NYC Center for Black Pride to give more visibility to L.G.B.T. people of color, saying we have a voice, we have contributed to history and to culture in this country,” Mr. Soulja said. The center teams up with organizations like the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture to create exhibits for Black Pride that showcase the wide-ranging contributions of L.G.B.T.Q. people of color, hoping to get young gay, bisexual and transgender people to recognize the value in their lives.

“When I talk to young people, I’m trying to empower them,” Mr. Soulja said, adding that he hears from people from around the world, sometimes in countries with restrictive laws governing the private lives of L.G.B.T.Q. people.

“I tell young people, coming out doesn’t necessarily have to be an announcement to your family or your friends,” he said. “Coming out to me was the moment I accepted myself.”


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