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They’re Taking Jigsaw Puzzles to Infinity and Beyond


PALENVILLE, N.Y. — On a meandering mushroom hunt at North-South Lake in the Catskill Mountains of New York, Jessica Rosenkrantz spotted a favorite mushroom: the hexagonal-pored polypore. Ms. Rosenkrantz is partial to life-forms that are different from humans (and from mammals generally), although two of her favorite humans joined on the hike: her husband Jesse Louis-Rosenberg and their toddler, Xyla, who set the pace. Ms. Rosenkrantz loves fungi, lichens and coral because, she said, “they’re pretty strange, compared to us.” From the top, the hexagonal polypore looks like any boring brown mushroom (albeit sometimes with an orange glow), but flip it over and there’s a perfect array of six-sided polygons tessellating the underside of the cap.

Ms. Rosenkrantz and Mr. Louis-Rosenberg are algorithmic artists who make laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzles — among other curios — at their design studio, Nervous System, in Palenville, N.Y. Inspired by how shapes and forms emerge in nature, they write custom software to “grow” intertwining puzzle pieces. Their signature puzzle cuts have names like dendrite, amoeba, maze and wave.

Beyond the natural and algorithmic realms, the couple draw their creativity from many points around the compass: science, math, art and fuzzy zones between. Chris Yates, an artist who makes hand-cut wooden jigsaw puzzles (and a collaborator), described their puzzle-making as “not just pushing the envelope — they’re ripping it apart and starting fresh.”

Nervous System debuted this conceptual design with the “Infinite Galaxy Puzzle,” featuring a photograph of the Milky Way on both sides. “You can only ever see half the image at once,” Mr. Louis-Rosenberg said. “And every time you do the puzzle, theoretically you see a different part of the image.” Mathematically, he explained, the design is inspired by the “mind-boggling” topology of a Klein bottle: a “non-orientable closed surface,” with no inside, outside, up or down. “It’s all continuous,” he said. The puzzle goes on and on, wrapping around top to bottom, side to side. With a trick: The puzzle “tiles with a flip,” meaning that any piece from the right side connects to the left side, but only after the piece is flipped over.

Ms. Rosenkrantz recalled that the infinity puzzle’s debut prompted some philosophizing on social media: “‘A puzzle that never ends? What does it mean? Is it even a puzzle if it doesn’t end?’” There were also questions about its masterminds’s motivations. “What evil, mad, maniacal people would ever create such a dastardly puzzle that you can never finish?” she said.

“When you try to build a curved object out of flat material, there’s always a fundamental tension,” said Keenan Crane, a geometer and professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. “The more cuts you make, the easier it is to flatten but the harder it is to assemble.” Dr. Crane and Nicholas Sharp, a senior research scientist at NVIDIA, a 3-D technology company, crafted an algorithm that tries to find an optimal solution to this problem.

The Puzzle Cell Lamp takes its name from the interlocking puzzle cells found in many leaves, but this lamp is not a puzzle proper — it comes with instructions. Then again, one could ignore the instructions and organically devise an assembly strategy.

In Mr. Louis-Rosenberg’s opinion, that’s what makes a good puzzle. “You want the puzzle to be an experience of strategizing — recognizing certain patterns, and then turning that into a methodology for solving the puzzle,” he said. The psychedelic swirls of the marbling infinity puzzles might seem daunting, he added, but there are zones of color that lead the way, one piece to the next.

Nervous System’s most challenging infinity puzzle is a map of Earth. It has the topology of a sphere, but it’s a sphere unfolded flat by an icosahedral map projection, preserving geographic area (in contrast to some map projections that distort area) and giving the planet’s every inch equal billing.

“I’ve gotten some complaints from serious puzzlers about how hard it is,” Ms. Rosenkrantz said. The puzzle pieces have more complex behavior; rather than tiling with a flip, they rotate 60 degrees and “zip the seams of the map,” she explained. Ms. Rosenkrantz finds the infinity factor particularly meaningful in this context. “You can create your own map of Earth,” she said, “centering it on what you’re interested in — making all the oceans continuous, or making South Africa the center, or whatever it is that you want to see in a privileged position.” In other words, she advised on the blog, “Start anywhere and see where your journey takes you.”


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